In its most general sense, the practice of law involves giving legal advice to clients, drafting legal documents for clients, and representing clients in legal negotiations and court proceedings such as lawsuits, and is applied to the professional services of a lawyer or attorney at law,barrister, solicitor, or civil law notary. However, there is a substantial amount of overlap between the practice of law and various other professions where clients are represented by agents. These professions include real estate, banking, accounting, and insurance. Moreover, a growing number of legal document assistants (LDAs) are offering services which have traditionally been offered only by lawyers and their employee paralegals. Many documents may now be created by computer-assisted drafting libraries, where the clients are asked a series of questions posed by the software in order to construct the legal documents.
Each law society is administered by a board of directors, generally known as Benchers or Members of Council. Benchers and Members of Council meet on a regular basis, usually monthly, bi-monthly or other. The benchers govern the affairs of the law society. The main responsibilities of the law societies include admissions to practice as lawyers within their society, the setting of professional standards for the legal profession, professional liability insurance, and the discipline of their members.
Each law society has a professional and support staff, headed by a Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director or Secretary. The staff varies from society to society, ranging from one staff person at the Law Society of Yukon to approximately 300 staff persons at the Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario).
U.S. Constitution: The nonconflicting parts of the English and American common law and its forms of pleading were explicitly incorporated into the U.S. Constitution.
Seventh Amendment:
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
- Administrative law
- Admiralty law / Maritime law
- Agency law
- Alcohol law
- Alternative dispute resolution
- Animal law
- Antitrust law
- Art law
- Aviation law
- Business law
- Business organizations
- Case law
- Civil law
- Company law
- Competition law
- Computer law
- Conflict of law
- Constitutional law
- Construction law
- Consumer law
- Contract law
- Copyright law
- Corporations law
- Criminal law
- Cryptography law
- Cyber law
- Custom (law)
- Defamation
- Drug control law
- Elder law
- Employment law
- Entertainment law
- Environmental law
- Evidence
- Family law
- Firearm law
- Food law
- Gaming law
- Health law
- health and safety law
- Immigration law
- Insurance law
- Intellectual property law
- International Law
- Internet law
- Labour law/Labor law
- Martial law
- Media law
- Military law
- Juvenile law
- Music law
- Nationality law
- Obscenity law
- Parliamentary law
- Patent law
- Poverty law
- Privacy law
- Procedural law
- Property law
- Public health law
- Real Estate
- Securities law
- Social Security disability law
- Space law
- Sports law
- Statutory law
- Tax law
- Tort
- Trademark law
- Transport law
- Water law
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