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  • Our Legal Practice Areas

    Alexander Racini Associates Law Firm has one of the strongest and most diverse litigation practices in the country. We have produced exceptional results of national and international importance. We have provided litigation services to approximately more than 2000 clients in demanding representations in the whole world, here you are some areas of practice....

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  • Countries where we practice as International Law Firm

    Our International Law Firm has its main offices in New York (USA), Madrid (Spain),Caracas and Valencia (Venezuela) and Paris (France) and Ottawa (Canada) and we practice as international law firms in major cities worldwide, here is a list of major cities where we practice.......

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  • Foundation, History and Origin of our International Law Firm

    Alexander Racini Associates is an International Law Firm with Franco-American roots. The original name is Racine, located in England and France, is the Old French origin, the meaning is of Old French and Middle English "reason"...... Attorney Alexander Racini has been awarded with many international academic awards ....

Who we are

We are an International Law Firm that practice in Canada,USA and in major Cities Worldwide

What we do

We provide legal assistance to our customers worldwide from more than 30 years ago in any legal area you need

How can we help you

We can provide you legal advice and legal representation in any language, any time, any legal field, through our online legal service

Alexander Racini & Associates Canada International Law Firm

Alexander Racini & Associates Canada International Law Firm
The largest International Firm Worldwide

Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Service Legal Advise Via Skype here

Posted by Los Hechos y el Derecho TV On 12:46 PM No comments

Alexander Racini & Associates
International Law Firm in Canada and Worldwide

Our New Service: 
Legal Advise Via Skype where you want and when you want

Now is available for you, you can consult with one of the lawyers of one of the largest international law firms   and most prestigious in the world, thanks to our new online legal advice service via Skype, you do not need to go to one of our offices internationally to consult with our lawyers, nor to pay fees for calls because the call is free, with our new online legal advice service via Skype.

About Our International Law Team

Remember that all of our Associates Lawyer that represent our Law Firm worldwide have the best international academic and professional recognition of the most prestigious Universities in the world, and all of them have more than 20 years of international legal practice.
We do not offer you legal advise with recently graduated lawyers.

How is it work?

This new online service works as Legal consultations that the user can make through Skype calls from where want and when you want, in your desired date and time, where all your questions will be answered in any area of law by the lawyer in the matter referred to the case.

From the moment you make the payment will have 30 days to make the call, remember that you can choose the date and time you want to communicate with us.

Once you made your payment online you have to send us an email to this address: alexanderracini.lawfirm@live.fr , with your name and country, to confirm the date and hour you wish to make your Skype Call, if you have any doubt about it you can also contact us here before making your Payment.

Fees and Costs

$ 35 Dollars
€ 30 Euros (Europe)
£ 25 Pounds Sterling (UK)
Bs.F 300 (Venezuela)

Alexander Racini & Associates
International Law Firm in Canada and Worldwide

Hire here online our service:

Legal Advise Via Skype where you want and when you want

Alexander Racini & Associates
Your name here:


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